Yesterday, a few people from The WestSide Gathering & Renaissance Church teamed up on an event called "LOVE MONTREAL" Simply put we teamed up to LOVE MONTREAL and share the love of Jesus through random acts of Kindness. A few great interactions and connections with our surrounding community as people tried to figure out WHY? A great day helped communicate love...free and authentic to our surrounding community. In the culture we live in nothing is free or promoted "FREE" without a catch. Most people I encountered yesterday and chatted with wondered why we would not accept donations, some were sceptical and some had a hard time embracing why we would bother. As our guests who came to have their cars washed, grabbed a hot dog and lingered around to chat with some of us I wondered myself "why?" I was reminded of Jesus and what he spoke about in the scriptures and took his life as an example; Everything he did was motivated by love, love for others! His whole life mission from birth to death to Resurrection was motivated by love. He spoke about love so often in the scriptures,what we should look like when we have it and the void in the absence of love. But how can we love if we don't know what love is. Most of us attribute it to a feeling or a state...sometimes feeling more of it that other times. But the Jesus that spoke love was love...his presence, his mannerisms, his life overflowed with love. Yesterday, I learned a little more about Jesus and myself as I practiced loving others without boundaries or return. My prayer is that my community comes into this love. A love that calls us to come as we are to experience restoration and wholeness...for everyone we encountered yesterday I pray that Jesus met you somewhere, somehow and that someday you would respond to his LOVE
1 comment:
nice write up chris...
I see you found your password again!!
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