Monday, January 04, 2010



So this morning I got up enthusiastic about the days and weeks to come and so I jumped on the scale and that feeling quickly dissapeared. After the holidays I have put on 5 pounds which put me at a weight that I haven't been in a long time. Instead of sinking in that feeling for the first time I decided to not let that number scare me or control me. What an empowering feeling to know that I don't need to stay there. I am capable of change, Good health is one of my goals for 2010 and so is allowing God to transform my mind at a deeper level. This means giving up old habits that have bound me and stepping in to newness. This means leaving behind every thought of "I can't" behind and replacing it with "I can" This means forgiving myself for getting here and moving onward, stepping into this wonderful God given body and loving it because I was created in love with love. Knowing that God knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb. Being transformed by that thought and knowing that I am deeply loved by my creator and that my worth is so much more than that number on that scale. So the many times I've failed before were just lessons on my journey that brought me here... So I got off the scale and got my butt in the gym!!

Bring it on...for once I'm not scared!

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